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zaatar w zeit

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About The Brand


41 +



Years In UAE


Manakeesh / year

Zaatar w Zeit

Brand Overview

    Founded in 1999 in Beirut, Zaatar w Zeit is an urban Lebanese cuisine chain offering a diverse range of fresh, fast and flavorful made-to-order dishes across 60+ locations, primarily in the Middle East. Zaatar w Zeit caters to a broad spectrum of tastes, blending traditional Lebanese flavors with a contemporary twist.

    Since its UAE launch in 2005 and expansion to KSA in 2013, it has become a popular destination for diners, known for its unique menu and guest experience The brand focuses on menu innovation, introducing new flavors regularly across all menu categories from manakeesh, wraps, and salads to teasers and desserts, crafted with high-quality ingredients.

    Over the past two decades, the brand has cultivated a strong relationship with a loyal fan base across UAE and KSA, earning its reputation as a trendy favorite.

Social Accounts

Contact US

UAE Office
Cravia Inc (L.L.C)
Business Central Towers
Office #3802B, Dubai Media City
P.O.Box 72297, Dubai, UAE
T: +971 4 435 9555
E: contact@cravia.com

KSA Office
Cravia Arabia Company
Salah Al Din Al Ayoubi Road,
King Abdulaziz District
Joud Centre Building 3, Office No. 301
P.O Box: 4322, Saudi Arabia, Riyadh-12233
T: +966-11-465-6888